Name:06TTA301SS1C Carlyle Screw compressor
Brand:Carrier /Carlyle
Country of origional:China

Product Description

06TTA301SS1C Carlyle Screw compressor

The Carlyle Paragon 06TT compressor series is part of Carlyle's family of semi-hermetic twin-screw compressors, designed especially for air- and water-cooled condensing applications.

In this series of Carlyle Compressors, the motor profile and an optimal geometry of a unique design translate into unprecedented efficiency and reliability.



Easy application, high efficiency, and reliability

Compatible with R-134a

Patented rotor profile geometry produced on state-of-the-art manufacturing processes for unequaled performance

Automatic unloaded starting and continuous unloading down to 25%, with built-in Vi compensation at part load

Dependable rolling element bearing design with sealed cavity for reduced loads

Oil pump is not required

100% factory run tested

Integrated check valve for quiet shutdown and flexibility to use multiple compressors in parallel

High efficiency, suction cooled motor with integrated NTC winding sensor for thermal protection

Pre-engineered oil management accessories and flexible oil separator selections to match design requirements

Standard commercial marine parts warranty, OEM-backed

Model .(CFM (60Hz) HP Nominal capacity
Motor RLA Model
(V-Ph-Hz) WYE
06TSA137 137 60 44 460-3-60 89 162 505 06TSA137SG
400-3-50 86 160 500
230-3-60 178 324 1010 06TSA137XG
200-3-60 196 373 1162 06TSA137ZG
06TSA155 155 75 50 460-3-60 100 174 545 06TSA155SJ
400-3-50 96 170 530
230-3-60 200 348 1090 06TSA155XJ
200-3-60 220 400 1254 06TSA155ZJ
06TSA186 186 75 59 460-3-60 116 174 545 06TSA186SJ
400-3-50 112 170 530
230-3-60 233 348 1090 06TSA186XJ
200-3-60 256 400 1254 06TSA186ZJ
06TTA266 266 120 86 460-3-60 165 298 930 06TTA266SP
400-3-50 159 303 945
230-3-60 330 596 1860 06TTA266XP
200-3-60 363 685 2139 06TTA266ZP
06TTA301 301 150 101 460-3-60 187 382 1190 06TTA301SS
400-3-50 181 388 1210
230-3-60 375 764 2380 06TTA301XS
200-3-60 412 879 2737 06TTA301ZS
06TTA356 356 150 120 460-3-60 226 382 1190 06TTA356SS
400-3-50 218 388 1210
230-3-60 452 764 2380 06TTA356XS
200-3-60 497 879 2737 06TTA356ZS
06TUA483 483 225 165 460-3-60 314 578 1800 06TUA483SW
400-3-50 303 587 1828
230-3-60 628 1156 3600 06TUA483XW
200-3-60 691 1329 4140 06TUA483ZW
06TUA554 554 225 185 460-3-60 360 578 1800 06TUA554SW
400-3-50 347 587 1828
230-3-60 720 1156 3600 06TUA554XW
200-3-60 792 1329 4140 06TUA554ZW
06TVA680 680 340 228 460-3-60 462 623 1900 06TVA680SX
400-3-50 438 629 1919
06TVA753 753 340 252 460-3-60 506 623 1900 06TVA753SX
400-3-50 487 629 1919
06TVA819 819 340 275 460-3-60 517 623 1900 06TVA819SX
400-3-50 504 629 1919
06TSR137 137 60 19 460-3-60 101 162 505 06TSR137SG
400-3-50 98 160 500
230-3-60 203 324 1010 06TSR137XG
200-3-60 223 373 1162 06TSR137ZG
06TSR155 155 75 21 460-3-60 108 174 545 06TSR155SJ
400-3-50 119 170 530
230-3-60 217 348 1090 06TSR155XJ
200-3-60 2 400 1254 06TSR155ZJ
06TSR186 186 75 25 460-3-60 12 174 545 06TSR186SJ
400-3-50 120 170 530
230-3-60 249 348 1090 06TSR186XJ
200-3-60 273 400 1254 06TSR186ZJ
06TTR266 266 120 39 460-3-60 190 298 930 06TTR266SP
400-3-50 183 303 945
230-3-60 380 596 1860 06TTR266XP
200-3-60 418 685 2139 06TTR266ZP
06TTR301 301 150 46 460-3-60 210 382 1190 06TTR301SS
400-3-50 203 388 1210
230-3-60 421 764 2380 06TTR301XS
200-3-60 462 879 2737 06TTR301ZS
06TTR356 356 150 54 460-3-60 238 382 1190 06TTR356SS
400-3-50 229 388 1210
230-3-60 475 764 2380 06TTR356XS
200-3-60 523 879 2737 06TTR356ZS
06TTW266 266 90 95 460-3-60 124 229 715 06TTW266SM
400-3-50 120 233 726
230-3-60 249 458 1430 06TTW266XM
200-3-60 274 527 1645 06TTW266ZM
06TTW301 301 90 108 460-3-60 139 229 715 06TTW301SM
400-3-50 134 233 726
230-3-60 278 458 1430 06TTW301XM
200-3-60 306 527 1645 06TTW301ZM
06TTW356 356 120 129 460-3-60 161 298 930 06TTW365SP
400-3-50 155 303 945
230-3-60 322 596 1860 06TTW356XP
200-3-60 354 685 2139 06TTW356ZP
06TUW483 483 160 172 460-3-60 199 408 1270 06TUW483ST
400-3-50 186 414 1290
230-3-60 397 816 2540 06TUW483XT
200-3-60 457 938 2921 06TUW483ZT
06TUW554 554 160 195 460-3-60 223 408 1270 06TUW554ST
400-3-50 209 414 1290
230-3-60 447 816 2540 06TUW554XT
200-3-60 514 938 2921 06TUW554ZT
06TVW680 680 225 244 460-3-60 280 578 1800 06TVW680SW
400-3-50 261 587 1828
230-3-60 559 1156 3600 06TVX680XW
200-3-60 643 1329 4140 06TVW680ZW
06TVW753 753 225 269 460-3-60 310 578 1800 06TVW753SW
400-3-50 289 587 1828
230-3-60 619 1156 3600 06TVX753XW
200-3-60 712 1329 4140 06TVW753ZW
06TVW819 819 225 292 460-3-60 330 578 1800 06TVW819SW
400-3-50 308 587 1828
230-3-60 660 1156 3600 06TVX819XW
200-3-60 759 1329 4140 06TVW819ZW

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